25…My Rebirth

Pillows wet
Today’s dusk to tomorrow’s dawn
And all the suns in between
Today, tomorrow, yesterday…all the same
No season was safe
The mental self-harm, profuse
How could the world not see the scars…fresh blood

Seeking validation
The need to fill a God-sized heart hole
Led her to all the wrong places, humans, things
Just to feel wanted…to hear those three words, together
For half a decade she stayed
Knowing not her worth
Neglecting her Heavenly Father’s all powerful awesomeness
So giving his daughter, princess, royalty
All she deserves…exceeding all she could ever imagine
Requires little to nothing from Him
Already released into the realm of the spirit
All He asks is for her to claim it

All He hopes is that she returns to Him, His arms
Where she belongs
Never forgetting who and whose she is.

He watched her walk farther and farther away from Him
Occasionally glancing back
He must have hung His head heartbroken, smh
He reached out; she too: outstretched arms then pulled back by insecurities
Retracting arms, it seemed rehearsed
Never fully latching on, then runs…like an idiot she’d run away

Falling deeper, ditches
Unthinkable, unconscionable things
A King’s child, wandering, lost, in no man’s land
Amnesia: forgetting who she was
Forgetting the price He paid
I wonder if He ever cried

The awesome Dad never gave up on her
He never left her
What can separate her from His love?

So like the prodigal, she sought Him
While ‘Away from the noise’
And there , just like He promised, she found Him… He found her
And took her up, into His arms
And of course, it was exceeding all she could imagine
And surely He killed the fattened calf, clothed her and placed a ring on her finger
Placed her among His other kids

And she was reminded that she was His and no one else’s
And as His child she had a role in His kingdom
After all she is royalty
An amazing God not just a Dad
He found her
Now helping her to find herself and her purpose

So her story will continue
ON to the next chapter
‘A Princess and Her Duties’
Her Father’s child
Hoping she’ll never EVER again forget
Simple geometry
Only God can fill her God-sized heart hole

May 2017


18 Comments Add yours

  1. joydekok says:

    This part:

    So like the prodigal, she sought Him
    While ‘Away from the noise’
    And there, just like He promised, she found Him… He found her
    And took her up, into His arms. . .

    Yes. Thank you for this blessing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Here’s a little of the story behind this part…when I was really at my lowest, my church’s youth group had a retreat titled ‘Away from the noise’ and that’s where and when really ran back to God..like the prodigal…


  2. Such a beautiful poem

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Edith says:

    Wonderful end to this beautiful story in verse:
    “Simple geometry
    Only God can fill her God-sized heart hole”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! That’s also my favorite!


  4. Lureta says:

    Beautiful testimony! So we’ll written are the words from your heart. Blessings sister.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ladycee says:

    What a wonderful poetic story of a prodigal daughter!
    I’d love to share it on one of my blogs, if you will allow.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Thank you sooo much! I really don’t mind at all! You have my blessing. Thanks for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ladycee says:

        Thank you. Once I’ve shared WP will let you know but I’ll try and remember to come back to double-check and if need be leave you the link.
        Really love your writing. I gather you are a new blogger. I am sure you will soon become a pretty popular one. BTW I’ve just become a follower.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Awwee thank you so much! I am newbie but i think i have been fitting in quite nicely… Thanks again! Really appreciate it

        Liked by 1 person

      3. ladycee says:

        You are welcome! 😃

        Liked by 1 person

  6. scotchdutchy says:

    Very sincere writing! Soothing to read!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading! Glad u liked it


  7. A very earnest and heartfelt poem. Great stuff 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! Definitely appreciate it!

      Liked by 1 person

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